Posts tagged ‘Africa’

Sometimes cheese is good, even without crackers – a few books with few thoughts

I believe April has been my frivolous reading month.  I have enjoyed every book but I must admit there has been a lot of silliness that may or may not be corrected in May.  This Spring need not be the time for the mandolin read I guess.  So, if you are looking for the shallow but fun I really would suggest checking out any of these books:

1. “Mariana” by Susanna Kearsley, Published in 2012: This book is about a woman torn between two different periods of her soul (she is reincarnated) and trying to find love in both the 1700s and the present.  That is seriously what this book is about and I absolutely loved it.  It had just the right amount of romantic ridiculous and time travel and suspense to make this girl very happy.  Of course all readers who enjoy a good love story probably remember Kearsley from “Winter Sea.”  Set in the English Countryside, Julia keeps running into the same farmhouse in her country travels.  Each time she drives by it her car stalls.  One day she decides to ask about the house, only to find out it is for sale. Of course she buys it and of course there is a reason she is drawn to the house.  Her soul has been there in a previous life – obviously.  Did that just give you the chills? No? Oh well, you still should read it.

2. Sharp Objectsby Gillian Flynn, Published in 2007: From the marginally good author who brought you “Gone Girl.” Flynn is good at suspense but her earlier books before “Gone Girl” are weighted down with a lot of story.  It is almost like she wants to fit every episode of “Law and Order” into one book. She is still fun to read.  The main character Camille is a reporter for a suburban Chicago newspaper.  When two girls from her hometown in Missouri are killed and found missing all of their teeth, Camille’s editor sends her home to cover the story. Of course, for Camille, returning home has all kinds of implications. Suffering from severe mental health issues, Camille’s recovery is tested by her wacky mother and her sadistic half-sister.  Flynn likely read a lot of V.C. Andrews during puberty so she has a great handle on creepy.  But I promise no one gets locked in the attic.

3. The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agencyby Alexander McCall Smith, Published in 2005:  Out of the three this book is wonderfully well-written (honestly, it should not be included in this review of fluff pieces).   When Precious receives her inheritance after the death of her father she decides to open Botswana’s first detective agency owned by a woman. Making her agency the top agency owned by a woman in the country – not unlike being valedictorian when home-schooled.  While there is one case that runs through-out the book, each chapter is a vignette of a mystery that Precious solves for her neighbors.  The characters are endearing, the end of the book is sweet, and it is not a surprise that readers wanted more so this became a series.

And there you have it.  My final reads for the month.  All fun, no real substance but one very happy reader.  On to the next book…

Old schoolbooks

Photo by Kerstin Frank

April 29, 2013 at 12:43 pm 4 comments

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There is some great literature out there, but there is a lot of bad literature as well. We shouldn't all have to read it. These are my recommendations and thoughts about the books I read.


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